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FREE Challenge Starts Soon!









Create a Clearing that allows you to

Step Into Your Kingdom Assignment

without conflict or guilt.

You ARE Your Vision's Keeper

Join The FREE 5-Day Vision Keeper Challenge

And Become The
God Created You To Be

  • Enjoy Your Kingdom Assignment

    Understand the importance of being a Vision KeeperTM and how to enjoy your God-inspired Assignment without neglecting your other responsibilities.

  • Time to Set Your House In Order

    Create a Clearing that gives you the Time, Energy and Freedom to actively pursue and complete the assignments God has entrusted to you.

  • JOIN a Community where we Complete NOT Compete

    Our community of Kingdom-minded VISIONFOCUSED® Women is the family you don't mind having over for dinner. We are all routing for you with the core belief that we are all truly better together.

  • Set Yourself Up for Success

    Create simple systems that take the stress out of your daily routine.

  • Prayer - Power - Promotion

    We value our relationship with God above all else. We believe that with prayer, brings His power, which invariably causes promotion.


Hey Vision Keeper,

Listen, If you're anything like I was, you're tired of trying all the "stuff" and maybe on the cusp of giving up on the vision God laid on your heart way back when, but you also can't seem to give it up... let it go!

Whether it's to write a book, start a business, ministry or social initiative, it's more than just an idea, there is so more hanging in the balance on this. Not only is it a much needed solution, but it's your responsibility to share it with those you are called to serve.

At some point on the journey you may have thought it was just about you and what it could do for your future, but then you realized it is sooo much more!

No matter how many times you "decided" to quit... you haven't received the release from Our Heavenly Father yet. So although you feel like quitting more days than not, deep in your heart you know you can't... you won't.

Let me help you CREATE THE SPACE to unpack it, allowing you to Step Into Your God Assignment without internal conflict and guilt of neglecting your other responsibilities.

Join me and other Kingdom-minded VISIONFOCUSED® Women in this challenge I designed for busy women who just need the time, energy, and freedom to focus on their God-inspired vision.

Come on Ladies, let's go from failure and funk to function and flow as we find you the time, energy and freedom to pursue the vision God has called you to. Click the button below to Sign Up!


Ready To Create A Clearing For You To
Steward Well
Your Kingdom Calling?

YES - SIGN ME UP for the Vision Keeper Challenge!

Meet Your Challenge Host

CVO, Vision Strategist, Founder

Vision Keeper™ Movement


VISIONFOCUSED® Strategies Inc.

Vision Development and Training Company focused on helping individuals and organizations develop and deploy their compelling vision.

Tristin's mission is to Ignite, Influence and Invoke Positive Change™ within her SocialScape.

Click Here to Read Tristin's Bio.

Copyright © 2021 · Tristin Burns - VISIONFOCUSED® Strategies Inc., · All Rights Reserved